Details of Post Offices with PinCode 425401. There are total of 32 post offices in Jalgaon Maharashtra (MH), India (IND) with same PIN code. Places are Amalner Pratap Nagar, Amalner (Jalgaon), Amba Pimpri, Bharwas, Chaubari, Dahiwad, Dangar, Devgaon, Dhar, Eklahare, Galwade BK, Hedave, Jaitpeer, Janve, Javkhede, Kavpimpri, Kol Pimpri, Lon BK, Londhave, Mandal, Mangrul, Mudi, Nagav, Patonda, Phafore, Pimpale Budruk, Ranaiche, Shahpur, Shirsale, Shirud, Taskheda, Wavde,